Make-A-Wish Foundation finds efficiency during the COVID-19 pandemic—and beyond

The pandemic impacted their traditional operations, but Make-A-Wish Foundation transitioned to remote work quickly. With the technology tools to communicate with wish families, work remotely, support IT needs, and direct as much money as possible to grant wishes, the organization is focused on its mission of creating life-changing wish experiences for children with critical illnesses. Learn how they did it by accessing this article. #MicrosoftTeams

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Leveraging Tech to Improve Customer Experience: 11 Smart Techniques

CX is vital in helping a company retain its customers and grow its customer base through organic referrals. From intelligent chatbots available 24/7 to personal touch technologies, data-driven solutions are engaging customers in profound new ways. In this article, 11 members of Forbes Technology Council explain how organizations can use intelligent tech can improve their customers’ experience.

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The Role of AI and People Analytics in Developing the Leaders of Tomorrow

More than 40% of corporations say that new hires “lack the soft skills to perform at a high level in a professional environment.” Investing in AI is investing in your employees’ success and happiness. This article from Forbes reveals the ways #Microsoft AI can improve employee performance and engagement so new hires can become tomorrow’s leaders.

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DHHS: Growing community services with apps

In recent years, more and more government agencies have successfully employed digital tools and channels to simplify and streamline their interactions with citizens and businesses. These tools have also allowed agencies to increase operational efficiency and build trust among taxpayers. See how the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Victoria, Australia, is using Microsoft #Azure to enable new citizen-facing apps that provide improved patient experiences.

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How AI is transforming healthcare

The continuous digitization of the healthcare industry has enabled innovative solutions to improve the ways that people interact with their health providers. Read this article to learn more about how solutions powered by #ArtificialIntelligence are empowering patients to obtain better services, receive more-personalized care, and gain access to an increasing number of medical professionals.

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