Alcoa puts Frontline Workers at the center of its digital transformation

Alcoa uses #Teams and @Microsoft 365 to become more operator-centric with solutions that enable its employees in Iceland to manage schedules efficiently, streamline processes, and improve communication. Check out the video and then ask us how we can help you put your organization’s #FrontlineWorkers at the center of digital transformation with Microsoft solutions.

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Tech4Dev helps women in Africa develop their technical skills to help empower the next generation of workers

Nigerian #nonprofit @tech4dev understands that often the only thing holding women back from advancing in their lives is lack of access to the right tools, skills, and knowledge.

Read “Tech4Dev helps women in Africa to empower the next generation of workers,” brought to you by @msftnonprofits, to learn how this nonprofit is empowering women to drive economic growth, equality, and innovation with help from @Microsoft365. #Tech4Good #SocialImpact #DigitalTransformation @Office365

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Nonprofits Should Develop Their Tech Fluency

If every company is a technology company, is every #nonprofit a technology organization?

Read this @forbes article “Nonprofits Should Develop Their Tech Fluency,” brought to you by @msftnonprofits, to see how technology can transform your organization and create new value. #Tech4Good #SocialImpact #DigitalTransformation @Office365 @Microsoft365

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